Digital Telecare Roadmap

From July 2020 – April 2021, the International Engagement Team, on behalf of the Scottish Government’s Digital Health and Care Directorate, co-ordinated a Digital Health Europe (DHE) funded Twinning project that focused on Digital Telecare. You can find out more about the purpose of the Twinning Programme projects on the Digital Health Europe website.
The objective of the Twinning project was to support the transfer of innovative good practice essential to the deployment of digitally enabled solutions for health and care. The Digital Telecare Twinning involved 3 regions – Andalusia, Spain; Agder Region, Norway; and Scotland – that have undertaken focused knowledge exchange activities over a 10-month period, bringing their telecare experts together virtually to share good practice, practical tools and implementation guidance on the topic of Digital Telecare.
The Scottish partners (the Digital Health & Care Division and the Digital Office for Scottish Local Government) shared good practices from Scotland with the University of Agder (Norway), Grimstad Kommune (Norway) and the Agency for Social Services and Dependency of Andalusia (Spain).
Knowledge Exchange
The three regions organised an exploratory workshop on 21 October 2020, where each region presented the status of Digital Telecare in their region and the regions agreed the focus of the further knowledge exchange activities.
Presentations from the workshop
- Digital Telecare in Norway, Agder – DHE presentation 21.10.2020
- Digital Telecare in Spain, Andalusia – DHE presentation 21.10.2020
- Digital Telecare in Scotland – DHE presentation 21.10.2020
The twinning partners organised a further four knowledge exchange workshops during the project to facilitate in-depth exchanges on the topics identified from the first workshop.
Presentations from these workshops
- DHE Digital Telecare Workshop 2 – Service Design & Technical Standards – 19.11.20
- DHE Digital Telecare Workshop 3 – Digital Telecare Call Centres & Workforce Skills -16.12.20
- DHE Digital Telecare Workshop 4 – Citizen Focus & Telehealth – 20.01.21
- Digital Telecare Twinning Workshop 5 – Citizen Pathway & Proactive Telecare – 03.02.21
The partners took part in two dissemination sessions during the twinning. The first one was as part of the Scottish Digital Health and Care Event DigiFest, in December 2020. The second was part of the “Cooperation on welfare technology in Agder” event on 3 March 2021.
Presentation from the session
DHE twinning presentation – Agder Welfare Tech Conference – 03.03.2021
Outcomes of the project
The twinning partners worked together to produce two outputs from the project:
- A Digital Telecare Roadmap
- A Citizen Pathway for Digital Telecare
The twinning Project Final Report which provides an overview of the twinning activities and the key learning outcomes from the twinning activities can be found here:
To find out more about the twinning, please contact Donna Henderson.
Digital Health Europe received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 826353.
Twitter/X: @DigiCare4scot