
Our Work

Our Work

The Digital Health and Care Division is involved in a wide range of work across health and social care. This includes the development of the underpinning architecture which ensures our health and social care systems can operate efficiently and effectively. To ensure information is managed safely and securely, we have Information Assurance and Security teams. We also lead in the development and implementation of a range of programmes which uses technology to enable people to live independently and safely in their own homes for longer. There is a strong focus on ensuring citizens are at the heart of everything we do. Therefore addressing inequalities and promoting inclusion is a key priority as is engaging citizens, staff and services through co-design and participation. Our work is dependent on and has been sustained by strong partnerships and collaborative working across government departments; local government; health boards; scrutiny, improvement and membership bodies; delivery and advocacy organisations and citizens themselves.
  • Citizen Engagement

    A cross-cutting activity which impacts on all areas of our work.
  • Cyber Security and Technical Assurance

    Our goal is to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and protect against the unauthorised exploitation of systems, networks and technologies.
  • Digital Maturity

    Our work on understanding digital maturity across health and social care in Scotland.
  • Leadership and Skills

    To enable service transformation as outlined in the Digital Health and Care Strategy we are committed to investment in the upskilling of digital skills for all staff across health and care and ensuring we embed digital leadership at all levels to make this happen.
  • Information Assurance and Security

    The Information Governance and Assurance team provides both oversight and national direction to NHS Scotland on data protection, data assurance and information governance (IG).
  • Information Governance

    Provides both oversight and national direction to Health and Care organisations in Scotland on information governance (IG) and assurance matters.
  • International Engagement

    Engagement with international colleagues working in the field of digital health and social care is essential in establishing positive relationships and building on Scotland’s global reputation for the quality of our digital health and care services.
  • Major Programmes and Architecture

    The technical division of the Digital Health and Care Division. We work closely with colleagues and partners in NHS Scotland, Scottish Local Authorities, Healthcare suppliers and other Scottish Government Directorates.
  • Technology Enabled Care (TEC)

    The work streams focus on using simple technology to support more people to access care from home or closer to home.
  • COVID-19

    The latest guidance and advice about Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland can be found at