
What we’ve been up to

Health and Care Transformation Scotland 2024 - 16 March 2024

Scottish Government and COSLA have published an update on progress in the first year of the data strategy that was published early last year.

Published in February 2023, the Health and Social Care Data Strategy sets out the key elements for ensuring that data is managed and used consistently and securely, to improve the care and wellbeing of people in Scotland. The update sets out progress in the first year and is based on regular discussions with delivery partners and stakeholders, and reiterates the agreed approach in achieving the safe, secure and consistent use of data across Scotland’s health and care systems.

The update was announced by Richard McCallum at the ‘Health and Social Care Transformation’ event hosted by FutureScot in Glasgow on 16 April and a short executive summary and easy read version have also been produced.

More information is available at the Data Strategy for Health and Social Care section.

Digital Health and Care Awards - 21 February 2024

The Connect Me remote monitoring service was named as ‘Digital Service Transformation’ winner at the Holyrood Digital Health and Care Awards.  The award was one of a number given to sector organisations and leaders during this year’s conference event.

The full article is available: Connect Me wins Digital Service Transformation Award.

[Holyrood Award]

Digital Health and Care Scotland - 21-22 February 2024

The annual Digital Health and Care Conference organised by Holyrood Events took place 21 and 22 February with Digital Health and Care Division represented in a range of sessions and discussions.

The conference opened with a video from the ALLIANCE which involved Digital Citizens Panel members and people from the Discovery Grants Programme sharing ‘what good looks like’. You can view the video at YouTube: ‘Good’ in health and social care – exploring what this means for five individuals.

Newly appointed Cabinet Secretary, Neil Gray, gave the keynote address followed by Councillor Paul Kelly, COSLA’s spokesperson on digital health and care. The speeches were followed by a Q&A session with Mr Gray and Councillor Kelly, along with Richard McCallum, Director of Health Finance, Digital and Governance.

In the following sessions, Deputy Director Jonathan Cameron facilitated a discussion on unlocking the value of data to inform services; and Rosie Cooper, National Improvement Lead for Near Me and Hospital at Home participated in a panel discussion on enabling early discharge.


[Pictured left to right: Rami Riman, InterSystems; Cllr Paul Kelly, COSLA; Richard McCallum, Scottish Government; Pennie Taylor, conference chair; Cabinet Secretary Neil Gray.]

Digital Lifelines Scotland Ministerial visit - 21 November 2023

Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy, Elena Whitham, visited a local project on 21 November 2023 to meet people benefiting from the Scottish Government’s £3.1 million Digital Lifelines Programme.

The full article is available: Minister Meets Digital Lifelines

Discover Digital: Embedding Human Rights in a Thriving Digital Scotland - 11 October 2023

Colleagues from Digital Health and Care participated in The ALLIANCE DigiFest satellite event on 11 October 2023 in Glasgow. The event brought together a range of speakers on topics of human rights, equalities and inclusion in the context of digital health and care and AI. Sharing our work on digital inclusion, Dr Tara French presented: ‘From pillars to practice: Prioritising digital inclusion in health and social care’; and colleague Morag Hearty engaged with delegates in ‘Connect Me’ through demonstration and an interactive stall.

Presentations from the day are available on The ALLIANCE resource page: Resources – Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland.

Woman standing next to a display standDr Tara French

COSLA Annual Conference and Exhibition - 28-29 September 2023

The COSLA Annual Conference and Exhibition were back in person for 2023. This year, the discussions focussed on the question: “Is Scotland Living Well Locally?” and our team had a Digital Health and Care stand in the main exhibition area.

Great conversations were had with various public bodies across Scotland, elected members and colleagues across local authorities on our work and progress of the Near Me programme, Microsoft 365 Cross-Organisation Collaboration and the Data Strategy.

Man standing next to a display stand Marc Beswick – Near Me

Woman standing next to a display stand Rachel Hanson – M365 Cross-Organisation Collaboration

Woman standing next to a display stand Gemma Wilson – Data Strategy