
Digital Capabilities Network

About the Network

The Digital Health and Care Strategic Portfolio Board has been replaced by a Strategic Leadership Board (SLB) for Digital and Data Transformation.  The SLB has agreed governance and the establishment of a new Board to oversee Digital Capabilities.

The Digital Capabilities Board supports the shift to embedding digital ways of working as a prerequisite to improving outcomes in health and social care. This includes supporting organisations to review progress and impact through regular updates via the Digital Maturity online platform and engagement with learning offers. Of particular importance is to increase the adoption of digital ways of working to progress more meaningful integration of health and social care services and delivery.  The Board will support and be informed by the Digital Capabilities Network.

This network will host thematic meetings, open to colleagues from all relevant organisations.  The first Board meeting took place on 19th March 2024 and will meet every three months.

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 17 October 2pm-4pm.

A summary report of each meeting is available: