DigiFest 2024
DigiFest24 will combine a programme of free-to-attend, virtual and in-person satellite sessions, from October 2024 and virtual conference, held over 4-5 December 2024.
The themes and related topics for DigiFest reflect current priorities relating to digital health, housing and care and will consider the role, impact and challenges for digital health and care in relation to these cross-cutting themes:
- Sustainable Innovation
- Digital Tools Supporting Integration
- Digital Solutions Supporting Reform
- Citizen Participation & Co-production
- Digitally Enabled Workforce
- Robotics in Health and Social Care
- Digital Inclusion
- Good Practice in A.I. in Health and Social Care
- Data Driven Services
Satellite sessions
The ALLIANCE Digital Citizen Panel event on Tuesday 29th October at the Radisson Blu in Glasgow will be an in-person DigiFest Satellite Session: ‘Sharing, Influencing and Living in a Digital Scotland’.
If you would like to organise and host a satellite session, which is relevant to the DigiFest24 themes, and have it included on the website and promoted as part of DigiFest 2024 then complete and return the simple template (download).
Please contact Nessa Barry at Nessa.Barry@nhs.scot with any questions.
ePoster exhibition
ePoster abstract submission
300-word abstract submissions are invited (for a virtual poster exhibition) from staff or students based in Scotland, the UK and internationally, who are working or studying in health, social care, housing, third sector or academic settings.
The Poster Review Panel has determined that successful posters should represent a mix of digital health and social care service delivery and digital health and social care research projects.
How to submit an abstract
300-word abstract submissions must be received by noon on 11 October.
Please note that when you submit your abstract, you give permission for your abstract to be shared with the conference organising committee and the Poster Review Panel.
Upload your Abstract to: https://forms.office.com/e/ZfWhL1ARVZ
Abstracts should include the following details:
- Authors names and affiliations and presenter’s email address
- Title
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- Word limit – 300 words
Confirmation will be sent of successful submissions by 25 October.
Successful submissions must produce and upload their final content to the ePoster platform for display by noon on 15 November. A maximum of 50 posters will be accepted.
You can view the ePosters from DigiFest 2023 at ePoster Showcase.
Posters and abstracts should describe research projects or service development projects which demonstrate the use of digital tools in health, social care or home settings, supporting teams or individuals in relation to the themes listed above.
Abstract content may:
- Present a digital health and social care service development or, research project which is currently underway or completed in the past 12 months.
- Explain (briefly) how this work relates to the wider digital health and care agenda.
- Identify target end users for the digital health and care service or research project.
- Clearly articulate the objectives for service users/patients/citizens and for the service providers.
- Include a brief explanation of the research methodology used for research studies.
- Include a brief explanation of the approach e.g., improvement methodology used for service developments.
- Clearly present outcomes/results/recommendations in a way that can be readily understood by those working outside your own area of practice.
- Include up to a maximum of three references (optional).
This year we will host ePosters on the Learning Toolbox platform from 15 November onwards. Further details will be shared with successful poster abstract authors.
There will be a British Computer Society (BCS) Health & Care Scotland sponsored prizes for the best Service Delivery poster abstract and for the best Research poster abstract plus a runner up in each category.
Please contact Nessa Barry at Nessa.Barry@nhs.scot with any questions.