
Digital Maturity Assessment 2023

The Scottish Government and COSLA have published a summary of the results of the digital maturity survey of NHS Health Boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs), and local authorities in Scotland for 2023.

The Scottish Government and COSLA commissioned research and insights consultancy Meisterworks to undertake the digital maturity survey across Scotland’s health and social care landscape. NHS Boards, HSCPs and local authorities were invited to participate by completing self-assessments via a shared platform.  The maturity assessment covered three core themes – readiness, capabilities and infrastructure.

The survey follows a similar exercise carried out in 2019.  Some additional sections were added in 2023 and, where appropriate, some questions were re-framed.  Organisations who completed the 2023 survey can access their 2019 results for comparison.

The independent report provides a national summary of findings, with no information relating to individual participating organisations published here, and no comparisons between individual organisations. The Annex provides information on the methodology used.

The report has been split into sections one to eleven:

The full report is also available as a pdf: Summary of Findings

You can read more about our work on Digital Maturity.