We have launched the new Digital and Data Capability Framework, designed to support the development of digital capabilities for everyone working in health and social care in Scotland.
Ministerial Visit for the Digital Inclusion Programme
The Digital Inclusion Programme welcomed Ms Minto, Minister for Public Health and Women’s Health, to Aberdeen Foyer on Tuesday 20 August. Aberdeen Foyer is one of the thirteen successful applicants of the first phase of the Digital Inclusion Programme (Digital Pioneers Fund) and continue to be involved in this next phase of the Programme through the Digital Pioneers Progress Fund.
Aberdeen Foyer’s Foyers Connect project is working to embed Digital Inclusion support across its services linked to health and care in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. Partnering with GP surgeries and integrated health services, they offer digital inclusion support through outreach, self-management programs, personal development initiatives, and Virtual Reality.
The Minister met with colleagues of Aberdeen Foyer to hear about the outcomes of the work to date and also met with young people who shared their experiences of the digital inclusion project and wider support of Aberdeen Foyer.
More information on the Digital Inclusion Programme can be found at Digital Inclusion | TEC Scotland.
[Ms Minto with colleagues and service clients.]
[Pictured left to right, Dr Tara French, Digital Inclusion and Design Lead, DHAC; Anne Kain, Head of Learning and Employability, Aberdeen Foyer; Leona McDermid, CEO Aberdeen Foyer; Ms Minto, Minister for Public Health and Women’s Health; Iona Lea, Digital Skills Coach, Aberdeen Foyer.]