The Athena Command Centre
Case Study - NHS Tayside Athena Command Centre
NHS Tayside implemented a live patient flow management system known as The Athena Command Centre which enables real-time data to be utilised to inform decision making, enabling NHS Tayside to respond to challenges in the patient flow/demand/capacity. The Command Centre uses analytic predictions for the week ahead to enable planning of patient pathways, staffing and capacity and potential pressure points in the system. The platform provides one source of information for the current hospital status, using data in this way has resulted in cost savings, reduced emergency department waiting times, and delayed discharge. The provision of a live view of their current bed availability has also reduced administration time and enabled enhanced understanding of patient movement across the health system, ultimately enhancing outcomes for patients. NHS Tayside have shared best practice with other NHS Boards and as a result NHS Lanarkshire have now started work to adopt a similar approach.