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£600,000 awarded to digital inclusion projects
Digital inclusion is the aspiration that everyone has the opportunity to be part of the digital world, ensuring equity of access and addressing potential barriers. As Digital becomes an increasing aspect of our lives our aim must be to ensure that no-one is left behind who would wish to access services and support in this way.
The Scottish Government has a long-standing commitment to digital inclusion, and to working collaboratively with partner organisations and groups operating at local level.
The Scottish Government’s £2 million Digital Inclusion Programme delivered through the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations, will develop, test, and implement a range of digital inclusion models, supporting the delivery of the Digital Health and Care Strategy and contributing to the work of Connecting Scotland to address digital exclusion. The first £600,000 phase of the Programme, focusing on mental health and housing, is under way with thirteen projects confirmed.
Digital inclusion is commonly defined as:
- Access to a device
- Access to connectivity
- Skills and confidence to navigate the online world.
However, not everyone has this opportunity and many people continue to experience digital exclusion.
Read more about the Digital Inclusion Programme and the thirteen projects awarded in the first round of funding in the following link – Government Transformation Magazine – 10 August 2023